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Peter Wilder authored "Banking in Wisconsin: A Call for Optimism"

September 1, 2016

Peter Wilder authored "Banking in Wisconsin: A Call for Optimism"

September 1, 2016

Authored By

Peter Wilder

Peter Wilder



Banking in Wisconsin: A Call for Optimism

The banking industry in Wisconsin is alive and well, and bankers need to hear that!

Marketplace lenders, fintech, M&A/consolidation, aging executives, scale, regulatory burden, compressing margins, credit unions, big banks, the de novo drought, Basel III, the demise of the branch model, the pace of technological change… Each of these buzz phrases highlights a potential threat to our industry, and they are the subject of nearly every article you read and every speech you hear lately. These threats can become self-fulfilling prophecies if those in the industry lose perspective. So here are just a few reasons why Wisconsin bankers should remain optimistic.

Read the full article.


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