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Annual Bankruptcy Update 2018 - Western District

November 15, 2018|Madison, WI|8:30 AM - 4:40 PM


If you deal in bankruptcies, you can’t afford to miss the Annual Bankruptcy Update 2018 – Eastern District. It’s loaded with time-tested practice techniques and insights into current court affairs.

Our experienced presenters will share their:

  • Chapter 13 bankruptcy strategies
  • Lay witness preparation tips
  • Workout agreement approaches
  • Ethical collections practices for law firms

See key cases from the bench’s viewpoint. Better understand recent rulings from the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for Wisconsin’s Eastern District as the judges themselves reveal the reasoning they used.

Keep current on the newest court rulings with the Dale Ihlenfeldt Memorial National Case Law Update. In addition, court clerks will keep you apprised of the latest changes at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wisconsin. Find more information about the program here


Commercial and individual bankruptcy lawyers. Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Creditors’ Rights Section members and any attorney seeking a solid understanding of specialized topics in bankruptcy law.

Register now

Date & Time

November 15, 2018

8:30 AM - 4:40 PM


State Bar Center

5302 Eastpark Blvd.

Madison, WI 

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