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Andrew Schlidt authored "Keeping IT simple: How to start an effective IT risk management program"

April 20, 2015

Andrew Schlidt authored "Keeping IT simple: How to start an effective IT risk management program"

April 20, 2015

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Information technology has transformed the way companies conduct business. In most companies, key business processes are driven by IT ­–– from accounting to sales, project management, human resources, and customer relationship management.

But what happens when the IT processes your business depends on fail? System failure, downtime, or loss of key data can halt your operations, affect profitability, and stall essential business practices long term. Taken a step further, your business may encounter legal exposure as a result of damage to your customers, vendors, business partners, or shareholders.

All companies, regardless of size, should take action to manage the legal risks arising from their increasing dependence on IT. The process need not be overwhelming; in fact, you can make significant progress by starting with one simple step –– implementing an IT compliance portal.

Read the full article here.

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